Everything to know about TikTok's 'lucky girl syndrome'
Lucky Girl Syndrome has taken over our screens, and lives and is doing a damn good job of capturing the minds of its audience. Flourish MGMT and The FM group are big on manifestation, the law of attraction, and visualisation so to say we are in our element would be an understatement.
So, how is Lucky Girl Syndrome different?
The law of attraction focuses on visualisation and the affirmation of this,‘Lucky Girl Syndrome’ focuses on the law of assumption with a belief system of always being ‘lucky’. If we believe something to be true, it will become true. Simple as that.
There is no specific visualisation of a particular desire, achievement, or occurrence. The ‘lucky girl’ simply believes that she is lucky and that good things are coming her way because that’s the way it is.
If something was to go wrong or not work out in the way the ‘lucky girl’ had hoped, it simply means that something better and better is coming her way.
*Feels eyes roll from behind the screen. ‘Why should me or my business care about Lucky Girl Syndrome?’
Understanding what engages your audiences allows you to see the type of content you should focus on creating to reach and engage your target and new audience. This doesn’t always mean a direct parody of the trend, but adopting and manipulating content your audience is actively looking for with your brand leads your audience directly to you.
Lucky Girl Syndrome’s hashtag currently stands at 34.6 million views and counting. The trend has taken TikTok by storm, now stemming into references across social channels, even triggering the generation of lucky girl syndrome playlists.
LGS (Lucky Girl Syndrome) resonates so heavily with TikTok's audience as it perfectly ties into the health and wellness space, one of TikTok’s fastest-growing audiences, with videos containing health and wellness hashtags surpassing 2.8 billion views combined.
January is the prime time for health and wellness brands, with consumers looking to reinvent and rejuvenate themselves in the new year. Whether that be through refreshing their gym wardrobe, stocking up on their essential oils, investing in angel cards to manifest their dream life, or even purchasing fresh aromatherapy candles to set positive vibes for the new year. It’s the most important (and lucrative) time of the year for wellness brands to set the tone and plan their campaigns for the year.
Time to plan yours. Email us now: marketing@flourishmgmt.co.uk